Tuesday 30 August 2011

be a good friend...^^

  1. Be real. Just be yourself than to let anyone else influence you into being someone you are not.
  2.  Be honest. A dishonest person has no chance of having true friends because it's hard to rely or trust a person who doesn't behave in a supportive or trustworthy way. Keep your promises, do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly – don't lie!
  3. Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, keep that confidence and don't talk about it to anyone else. It's what you'd expect in return and so be tight lipped about the matter. Don't discuss your friend behind their back and don't spread rumors about the confidences they've imparted to you. Rule out gossip or backstabbing when it comes to friendship! Never say anything about your friend that you would not be prepared to repeat to their face.
  4. Be respectful. Good friends respect one another and show this by being openly and mutually supportive. you have to listen to what your friends has to say. Sometimes your friend will say thing you find boring, uncomfortable and annoying but if you have respect to your friend, you'll override this feelings with the desire to listen openly and give your friend the space to say what is needed and to do so without judgement.
  5. Watch out your friend. If you sense that your friend is getting into some sort of trouble over which they have little control, such as taking drugs, being promiscuous or getting too drunk at a party, help him or her to get away from the situation and to somewhere safer for them. Don't assume that they're big enough to care for themselves; this may be the very time that your voice of common sense is needed to wake them from their fugue.
  6. Pitch in for friend during time of crisis. If your friend is going through a crisis, don't say "everything is gonna be okay" if it not gonna be like that. Instead, tell your friend that "whatever you decide or need, i am there for you. 

let make our friend happy..!!!!

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