Tuesday 30 August 2011

be a good friend...^^

  1. Be real. Just be yourself than to let anyone else influence you into being someone you are not.
  2.  Be honest. A dishonest person has no chance of having true friends because it's hard to rely or trust a person who doesn't behave in a supportive or trustworthy way. Keep your promises, do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly – don't lie!
  3. Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, keep that confidence and don't talk about it to anyone else. It's what you'd expect in return and so be tight lipped about the matter. Don't discuss your friend behind their back and don't spread rumors about the confidences they've imparted to you. Rule out gossip or backstabbing when it comes to friendship! Never say anything about your friend that you would not be prepared to repeat to their face.
  4. Be respectful. Good friends respect one another and show this by being openly and mutually supportive. you have to listen to what your friends has to say. Sometimes your friend will say thing you find boring, uncomfortable and annoying but if you have respect to your friend, you'll override this feelings with the desire to listen openly and give your friend the space to say what is needed and to do so without judgement.
  5. Watch out your friend. If you sense that your friend is getting into some sort of trouble over which they have little control, such as taking drugs, being promiscuous or getting too drunk at a party, help him or her to get away from the situation and to somewhere safer for them. Don't assume that they're big enough to care for themselves; this may be the very time that your voice of common sense is needed to wake them from their fugue.
  6. Pitch in for friend during time of crisis. If your friend is going through a crisis, don't say "everything is gonna be okay" if it not gonna be like that. Instead, tell your friend that "whatever you decide or need, i am there for you. 

let make our friend happy..!!!!

Sunday 28 August 2011

SmiLe aGAiN..

its okay....
do not worry
it is also hard for everybody
but...after a night of sleep
everything is going to change...
even though living is hard 
and I always fall down,
a good day will also come to me..
now is the beginning 
the star of life is me...
i'll be strong and cheerful
i will never cry or whine
goodbye sad tears
goodbye hard worries
the amazing day i dreamed last night is waiting me
today is the beginning....
i'm going to well and smile again....

Tuesday 23 August 2011



Healthy Eating Pyramids

1. Start with exercise. A healthy diet is built on a base of regular exercise, which keeps calories in balance and weight, in check. Read five quick tips fof staying healthy and getting to your healthy weight, and a dozen ideas for fitting exercise into your life.
2. Focus on food, not grams. The healthy eating pyramid doesn’t worry about specific servings or grams of food, so neither should you. It’s a simple, general guide to how you should eat when you eat.
3. Go with plants. Eating a plant-based diet is healthiest.  Choose plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats, like olive and canola oil. Check out these delicious healthy recipes that bring the Healthy Eating Pyramid into your kitchen.
4. Cut way back on American staples. Red meat and processed meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drinks, and salty snacks are part of American culture, but they’re also really unhealthy. Go for a plant-based diet rich in non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. And if you eat meat, fish  and poultry are the best choices.
5. Take a multivitamin, and maybe have a drink. Taking a multivitamin can be a good nutrition insurance policy. Moderate drinking  for many people can have real health benefits, but it's not for everyone. Those who don’t drink shouldn’t feel that they need to start. Read about balancing alcohol's risks and benefits.

Monday 22 August 2011

i'll should've.....

should've ignored what i felt deep inside my heart
because now i don't even know how to start letting you go
its hurt so badly but i can't explain 
i should've just ran away, besides you i just can't stay
because i know that we won't be more than friends
without words you made me much pain 
without words fell like i have drowned in rain
and i was such a fool to believe that there was really you and me
i'll pretend that i don't hear my heart when you're near 
and though it doesn't subside whenever our worlds collide
i know that someday i'll let you go

Sunday 21 August 2011

guy don't like this...

1. "Do you think she's pretty?"
It's tempting to ask your guy this question when an obviously attractive girl walks by but you're really putting him in a no-win situation. If he says no, you'll think he's lying. If he says yes, you'll probably get jealous and upset, even though it doesn't mean that he thinks any less of you. Either way, it's pointless to put him on the spot.

2. "[Insert your BFF's name]'s husband is such a catch!"
When you're constantly singing praises of someone else's partner (be it that he's rich, successful, good-looking or a super-caring spouse), you run the risk of looking like you're envious of their relationship or mentally comparing it to your own. Nothing puts a dent in your guy's ego like this.

3. "My ex..."
If there's an allergic topic in any relationship, it's the topic of exes. Any comment on your past love life is generally best left unspoken -- whether it's about the good, the bad or the ugly. Talking about an ex-beau will leave your man wondering if you've really moved on or make him worry that you're comparing. Don't put these doubts in his mind.

4. "I'm so freakin' fat!"
Ever seen guys putting posters of super-thin supermodels on their walls? Yeah, neither have we. The fact is men aren't into skin and bones. Trust us, he loves your curves, glorious cellulite and all. And even if you're on the plus side, and can stand to lose a few pounds, there's really no need to let him know about your insecurities.

5. "Hugh Jackman is so hot!"
It's true that most guys aren't as self-conscious about their appearance as women are. But gush often enough about a hunky celebrity, and his ego will be bruised. Besides, you wouldn't be thrilled if the tables were reversed.

6. "I'm fine. Really."
When you're obviously not. If he's done something to upset you, it's better to air things out in the open rather than bottling up your feelings. Even if your bad mood has nothing to do with him, being reluctant to address what's bothering you might make him assume that he's at fault.

Saturday 16 July 2011


my no 1 badminton player Lee Chong Wei made it all look so easy when he captured the Indonesia Open in super style to cap a perfect half-year mark of an amazing run this season.At 14th july 2011  the cool and confident Chong Wei demolished Peter-Gade Christensen of Denmark with a 21-11, 21-7 win in just 31 minutes of the men’s singles final to nail the Indonesia Open for the fourth time and a third one in a row.Chong Wei’s easiest win out of his four finals in Indonesia but it had earned him the biggest catch – a whopping US$45,000.I feel so proud of him because he always win in any tournament and this honor to Malaysia.He is very good player for.

Sunday 3 July 2011

hmmm....ingat gak pla...=)

  • aik...ingat kan sy x ingat lgi blog ni...hehehee...urm...best tw hri ni...group buildtech buat family day d permai...best smpi muka pun ikut tbakar...hahaha...hm...bru ari ni sy dpt tw cmna perangai kwn2 sekelas sy...hm..ada yg kut saik0..ada yg cute...paling ramai yg gila2lah...nasib bek sy xda dpt ambk gmbr dorang...lw x..hm..byk lah pic dorang yg gila2...heheh...urmm...senior kmi suma best2...bek gila ma kmi...heheh...kiut2 senior kmi..hehe...
  • hurm...penat btl ni...mcm mw tdr truss..tpi...xble...byk lgi assgmnt mw but ni...byk lgi tak siap...adui....pening nak atur msa mw buat suma assgmnt...mna nak hadirkan dri dlm aktiviti2 u,persatuan,kolej..semata2 nak mintra cop...hurmm...dgn jadual yg padat lgi...herm..lumrah hiduplah ni...penat x penat...msti d buat jgak...lw tak buat dri sndri yg susah,..hurmm...
  • so...hadapi semua dgn senyuman...ahaks!!!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Blog pertama ku

20/6/2011 terbit lah blog yang pertama...
di bantu oleh yaya....;)